I have medical problems, can I take Phenastin?

We strongly suggest that if you have any serious medical problems including issues with your heart, kidneys, circulation, depression, diabetes, liver or any other major medical problems that you first consult your doctor before taking phenasting or any other supplement.

Although Phenastin is safe to use, we cannot view your complete medical record nor provide you with medical advice. Thus we strongly ask these users to seek out the advice from their primary healthcare professional first.

Will I get the jitters?

97% of our customers do not experience a jittery or anxious feeling when taking Phenastin.  Please note that everyone’s reaction to Phenastin is can be completely different as all of our bodies are different and may react differently than someone else.  Phenastin does contain caffeine and therefore if you are sensitive to drinking coffee or caffeine you should try a Trial Sample first to test your tolerance before purchasing a bottle.  But in all Phenastin contains as much caffeine as there is in a cup of strong coffee.

Will I fail a drug test taking Phenastin?

Phenastin is a completely legal OTC supplement that contains no illicit drugs or banned substances.  If you are being drug tested, Phenastin will not test you positive for any illicit drugs or drugs otherwise.  Please note that if you are a professional athlete, you need to check with your sanctioning organization to find out if any of the ingredients in Phenastin are banned by your specific organization.

Why does it smell like peppermint?

Yes it’s completely normally for Phenastin to have that peppermint smell.  Phenastin contains Mentha Piperita is essentially a powerful extract of peppermint. Phenastin contains a super potent extract that is 1,000 times more potent that the average peppermint tea.  Peppermint has been shown to reduce appetite and improve digestion of fats by increasing bile flow. Also helps in improving gastrointestinal motility which eases common problems such as indigestion and constipation. In addition you get the pleasant smell and taste of peppermint as opposed to a medicinal off smell so common with many products.